Schizopora paradoxa

(Fr.) Donk 1967 Persoonia 5(1): 104.

typus generis!

Select illustrations:


[image] A [image] B [image] C [image] D


= Hydnum paradoxum Fr., Syst. Mycol. I, p. 424, 1821; Elench. Fung. I, p. 150, 1828.
Lectotypus: Irpex paradoxus Schrad. Femsjö, ex herb. E. Fries, Herbarium UPS.

= Polyporus versiporus Pers., Myc. Eur. 2, p. 105, 1825.
= Polyporus laciniatus Velen., Ceské Houby, p. 638, 1922.


Resupinate, irpicoid to poroid, young white, old cream-coloured to yellowish. Porewalls up to 0.5 cm high. They grow positivly geotropic. The basidiocap often blows up the bark of the substrate. Colour photo in Breitenbach & Kränzlin (1986) , picture No. 380.


5.5-6,5 x 3.5-4.5 ╡m, ellipsoid, thin-walled, smooth, hyaline, inamyloid, with one droplet each.
17-21 x 4-5 ╡m, suburniform each with 1-2 waists and a basal clamp.
four, 3.5-4 ╡m long.
capitate cystidia, ca. 30 ╡m long, 4-6 ╡m in diameter, apical with a round cap consisting of hyaline, refringent exsudate, which is dissolvable in a 5% KOH solution. The secretion of exsudate increases by the ageing process.Younger ontogenetic stages have pellucid and in KOH solution easyly dissolvable exsudate, in elder stages it keeps preserved and a little bit granular in the same solution. The cystidia araise from the hymenium.
Hyphal system pseudodimitical. Subhymenial hyphae thin-walled, 2-4 ╡m in diameter. They are born on the thick-walled hyphae of the subiculum by hypertrophies of the clamps. Basalhyphae thick-walled (up to 1.5 ╡m), 2-3.5 ╡m in diameter, running undirected. Substrate hyphae thin-walled, 2-3 ╡m in diameter. The hyphal walls and septa soon become thick-walled when leaving the substrate.Hyphal ramification by subseptal outgrowing or outgrowing of clamps.
All the hyphae in the center of the pores walls are thick-walled (up to 1.5 ╡m), 3-4 ╡m in diameter, more or less parallely running. All Hyphal endings of the pore margins are thin-walled.

Habitate and Substrate

Most on deciduous wood: e.g. Fagus, Carpinus, Quercus, Alnus, Betula, Laurus, Eucalyptus, Syringa, Sorbus. conifers: Pinus, Taxus, Araucaria.


Sch. paradoxa was found in all continents. Ryvarden & Johansen (1980) report a cosmopolitan distribution.


The distinction of the species Sch. paradoxa and Sch. radula is very difficult. Hallenberg (1983) however was able to prove their strict separation as biological species by testing their compatibility. The micromorphical differences of both species is hard to be comprehended only by herbarium specimens. The distinction whether iricoid or poroid is also very uncertain. There exist transitional forms of both basidiocarps. It is my opinion, that the best mark of distinction is the colour of the basidiocarps. Sch. paradoxa is always coloured white to yellowish and Sch. raula always has an orange touch. Sch. paradoxa moreover has spores, that are a little bit longer than the others. In southern areas with a warmer climate in addition Sch. flavipora can be found. But this species can be distinguished very easily from Sch. paradoxa and Sch. radula by their cystidia.

	                  Sch. paradoxa	          Sch.radula 

Colour of basidiocarps white to yellowish with an orange touch Spores 5.5-6.5 x 3.5-4.5 ╡m 4-5.5 x 3-4 ╡m Hyphae of poremargin obtus captate

Examined Herbarium specimens

Norway , Åkershus, Nannestad, Gardemoen, gorge, ca. 200 m alt., on Prunus, leg. G. & E. Langer, 20.09.1990, GEL 2173, herbarium G. & E. Langer.
Sweden , Halland, Säp, Särö Västerskog, on a dead branch ofTaxus baccata, , leg. B. Gilsenius, 22.10.1976, Eriksson 19442, herbarium GB.
Sweden , Halland, Släp, Särö Västerskog, on Pinus sylvestris, N. Hallenberg, 23.01.1974, Eriksson 22423, herbarium GB.
Sweden , Halland, Fjär, on Sorbus aucuparia, Eriksson 9999, herbarium GB.
Sweden , Bohuslän, Neverstad, Sundshult, on Syringa sp., leg. S. & J. Jeppson, 21.06.1974, Jeppson 758, herbarium GB.
Sweden , Halland, Fjärås sn., Gåsevadsholm, on Sorbus aucuparia, leg. B. Gilsenius, I. Nordin, 05.01.1970, herbarium GB.
England , Schottland, Caledonia, Pertshire, Hermitage near Dunkeld, branch of deciduous, leg. N. Hallenberg, 26.09.1983, NH 7913, herbarium GB.
Germany , Baden-W;uuml;rttemberg, T;uuml;bingen, SchÜnbuch, Arenbachtal, between Becklesgarten and Erlenweiher, ca. 400 m,10.10.1987, leg. E. Langer, herbarium G. & E. Langer 560.
Germany , Baden-W;uuml;rttemberg, T;uuml;bingen, Bebenhausen, Goldersbachtal,near Tellerbr;uuml;cke, on bark and wood of Alnus glutinosa, ca. 400 m alt., 21.10.1989, leg. E. Langer, herbarium G. & E. Langer 2096.
Germany , Bayern, Oberallgäu, Tiefenbach above Hinterenge, moss meadow, ca. 1200 m alt., mountain forest with Fagus sylvatica, Picea abies, Abies alba, on wood and bark of Fagus sylvatica, leg. G. & E. Langer, 21.09.1991, GEL 2387, herbarium G. & E. Langer.
Germany , Baden-W;uuml;rttemberg, Sandhausen, Bannwald Franzosenbusch, ca 200 m alt., forest with Pinus sylvestris, Fagus sylvatica, Carpinus betulus, on Carpinus betulus, leg. E. Langer, 30.11.1987, GEL 595, herbarium G. & E. Langer.
Germany , Baden-W;uuml;rttemberg, Tübingen, Hagelloch, Bogentor, 450 m alt., on wood and bark of Carpinus betulus, leg.E. Langer, 26.06.1989, GEL 2028, herbarium G. & E. Langer.
Spain , Canary Islands, Teneriffa, Las Mercedes, 850 m alt., on Laurus canariensis, leg. T. Hallingbäck, 19.12.1973, herbarium GB.
Italy , Latina, Cicero national park, Selva de Cicero, on Eucalyptus sp., leg. K. Hjortstam, K.-H. Larsson, L. Ryvarden, 22.-25.10.1984, LR 22565, herbarium GB.
Romania , Covasna, Hanul Bretcu, on bark, leg. N. Hallenberg, 21.10.1985, NH 9283, herbarium GB.
Italy , Latina, Cicero national park, Selva de Cicero, on pine cone of Pinus pinaster -branch, K. Hjortstam, K.-H. Larsson, L. Ryvarden, 22.-25.10.1984, Hjm 14929, herbarium GB.
Iran , Gorgan, Jangale gorge, 20 km south-east of Gorgan, on Quercus, leg. L. & N. Hallenberg, D. Ershad, 02.07.1976, NH 1388, herbarium GB.
Iran , Mazanderan, Sang-deh, south of Pol-e-Sefid, 1300-1800 m alt., on Fagus-branch, leg. N. & L. Hallenberg, B. Danesh-Pashuuh, 10.-13.05.1978, NH 2824, herbarium GB.
USA , Alaska, Thunderbird Falls trail, on Alnus branch, leg. J. & B. Eriksson, 12.08.1969, Eriksson 13384, herbarium GB.
USA , Tennessee, Great Smokey Mountains national park, Spruce Mountain trail,1800 m alt., on Betula branch, leg. H.S. Jung, 26.10.1983, Jung 596, herbarium GB.
USA , Washington, North River, south of Cosmopolis, GrayÐs Harbor County, on wood, leg. W.B. & V.G. Cooke, 17.10.1958, W.B. & V.G. Cooke 31276, Herbarium O.
Brazil , Sao Paolo State, Reg. Vale do Paraiba, Campos do Jordae, Parque Est. de campo do Jordao, on Araucaria sp., leg. D. Pegler, K. Hjortstam, L. Ryvarden, 27.- 28.01. 1987, LR 24356, Herbarium O.
Columbien , Dept. Magdalena, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Reserva Forestal San Lorenzo, 1900-2300 m alt., on wood, leg. L. Ryvarden, 17.-19.06.1978, LR 16047, Herbarium O.
Taiwan , Nantou, south of Sun-Moon-lake near Hua lien, Lien-Hua-Chi, ca. 700 m alt., leg. E. & G. Langer, F. Oberwinkler, 09.07.1990, FO 42521, herbarium F. Oberwinkler.
Australia , New South Wales, The Rock Nature Reserve, The Rock, on wood, leg. R. Coveny, 26.11.1984, R. Coveny 204 (1984), herbarium O.


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Dr. Ewald Langer - 22. Aug. 1995